Updated 1/29/05
I am Isabella, but mew can call me Izzy, and this is my CLAW Page !
I am a purroud memfur of CLAW and am becoming efun busier dan efur. CLAW has so meny fings fur a kitty to do and learn! All of us girls are memfurs of different guilds because there are so meny to chooz frum dat we could all find one to suit our interests and purrsonalities. Efurry kitty could find somefing at CLAW to capture dere interest. I jess knows it.
I am furry purroud to receive the special Service Award for April 2004! Also, to say that I have advanced to the rank of Marquessa now. It is furry satisfying to keep moving up.
CLAW kitties are so nice! See what they sent me?
At the CLAW graduation ceremonies in May, I received my degree of Honorable and was made a member of Phi Beta Katta Honor Society!
"I pledge to be a kitty of honor throughout all of my nine lives."
I am continuing my studies at CLAW University and hope to earn anofur degree at da next graduation.
The CLAW kitties are so nice! They rememfured that I am celebrating one year in CLAW now and sent me this purrty card.
CLAW Guilds I belong to:
PSP Artists
Roly Poly Rawers
Claw Postcard Committee
Sister Clubs of CLAW I belong to:
Back Fence Cat Club
The Cats Meow Club
Fat Is Fun Furternity
To learn more about my CLAW Guilds and Sister Clubs, go to my clubs page.
CLAW has great greeting cards to send to your friends - for any occasion. Since I jess joined da CLAW Postcards Committee, I will be one of the artists who design the greeting cards for all kitties to send to furriends. I luff to paint purrty pictures, so know I will luff making cards.
The Claw Zine is a wonderpurr magazine that is jess full of all kinds of fings any kitty would find infuresting. There are stories, poems, impurrtant artikles, recipes, even sum jokes! Click on the button above to read the newest issue of the Claw Zine and see what I mean.
The contents of this site are copyright© 2004-2005 Jackie Edwards/Jacqlee (The Cat Lady). All Rights Reserved.