Page Created 12/28/01
Song playing is "Friends"
Dis iss Sam here. I had a purry excitin time dis Christmas season - tanks to mew Secret Santa Kitty Pal from The Older Cats Society . Mew Secret Santa Kitty Pal sent mew lotsa cards and gifts. Here are some of dem for you to see. Each picfur iss linked so dat you can send a gift to yur pal.
I also got a furry nice puzzle. Lotsa da cards at Aaardvarks Ark can be sent as puzzles!

Mew Teenie Beanie is named Pinky. You can send your pal a Teenie Beanie here .
I jest luffs dis card.
I wants to thank mew purry nice Secret Santa Kitty Pal furry much for making dis Christmas so speshul!
Dis is my purry nice Secret Pal - Twist. Isunt he sofistikatud looking? I bets he hass lotsa lady furends! Twist has a nice meowmie too! An a beeyootifur sisfur named Myste - Princess of Prettiness.
I was a Secret Santa Kitty Pal to a furry nice ladee kitty named Spike. I usta tink dat wass a funny name fur a ladee until I finded out how she got dat name. Now I tink it iss jes da rite name fur her an I respekt her a lot. Spike is purry beauteous an she iss da Chaircat of The Older Cats Society, so she is furry busy.
Spike sended me lotsa purrty cards while she wass tryin to gess who I was, but she nefur did figur it out. Course I nefur figured out who my Secret Pal was neither!
Dis iss what da card said:
"Thank Mew So Much
Mewar Secret Santa Kitty Pal,
I put in a good word wif Santa Paws for mew. Mew haf been so wonderfur sending me so many cards and stuff. I apurrceate each and effury one.
Purrs, Spike"
Here iss da beauteous Spike. I already knew Spike, so it was lotsa fun bein her Secret Pal an she nefur efun knew it was me sendin her alla dat stuff. Hehe. It was grate! Spike's page is called Spike Rules. Dat's where I stealed dis picfur from. Hehe. You shud visit her becuz she is furry nice. She has beeyootifur eyes like me too.
Here iss a picfur of da new babees at Spike's house. Arunt dey cute? The striped kitty is Tigger, a girl and the other kitty on the right is Caesar, a boy. I've been kinda takin Caesar under my paw an heppin him to be a gud tom.
Iff you wants to meet some mature cats dat knows how ta haff fun, den you shud join The Older Cats Society too!
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