We want to wish all of our furriends a furry happy Valentine's Day! We fink it is impurrtant to send luff to efurryone on this day, so we are sending lots of luff to efurryone.
We espeshlly are sending luff to all the homeless and hungry kitties efurrywhere and hoping they will find a human to giff them a furefur home and all the luff they deserve.
Here is the Valentine we made fur mew. We hope mew will take it with mew and feel the luff we are sending.
Our furends E.T. and Ginger sent us these cute cards.
This great card is from our furiends, Biggie, Pepper, Cookie and Peaches Fries.
Our furriends Levi and Maggie sent us this pretty card.
Maybe da boyz at tomzrule aren't so bad affur all!
McGee, Shirley and Sophie sended us dis purrty card.
This purrty one is frum Shamus Blue, Selkie Sue and Firefly.
Izzy made this webset for her CLAW PSP Artists group as a special project. Beleaf it or not, her set was chosen by the other artists to be the one used in the PSPA-CWLWD-BSKSG (Paint Shop Pro Artists-Cats Who Live With Dogs-Back Seat Kitty Support Group) Valentine party. She is furry purroud and honored. Mew can attend the party here.